Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Why I am a Luka?

All my friends have the same question, “How can you do it?”

For some of my friends, it means the act of putting on the suit and pressed shirts and succumbing to business lunches on a daily basis. But for most it is a personal how can I do the job I do.

My college friends are used to the fiery-political-loving beatnik, who yelled he would never sell out and mocked those he thought did. My newer friends see not a YUPPIE, but a rap-listening, Democrat, hard-drinking guy who never appears out of his apartment after dark in anything but ratty jeans and much to their chagrin still doesn’t own a couch.

But I don’t believe I sold out, but rather I am rather following my core principals of helping people. Every time, a donor gives a gift of an amount that results in helping the fight of AIDS in Africa, prison counseling in South America or backpacks for Katrina victims in Mississippi, I can see the principles I read, wrote and screamed about are coming alive. And if it means, I must buy my clothes from Brook’s Brother’s instead of Goodwill then so be it.
Plus, loafers that are broken really are as comfortable as house shoes.


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