Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Vilsack’s Camp

Flew in to Des Moines on Tuesday, more on that tomorrow and what a wonderful place it is. I got back to the Holiday Inn Express across from Drake U, changed and grabbed a copy of Wednesday’s Des Moines Register at the desk. Front page above the fold was an article on how Gov Vilsack was “silently” preparing for a run at the White House. Though, if he was trying to be discreet a feature on your hometown paper is not the way to go.

The article featured four possible opponents, Clinton, Edwards, Gov. Warner and Sen. Bayh. It also mentioned Kerry. (Personally, I think the Kerry camp should take this as a sign that Iowa will not treat him seriously this time. After all he was listed after Bayh whose name recognitions with the nation is so low that more people could fifth pitcher for the Yankees over the senior Senator from Indiana.)

Two years away from the war and already the Iowa governor is stockpiling his armaments trying to prove he is worthy of national notice by raising as much money as he can. Of course, everyone assumes he will run and win Iowa. But with Vilsack comes the problems the majority of Democratic would be Presidents have. A) Who are they and what is their plan for America? B) Why are they unique? C) Will they actually try and present against and defend this plan from GOP attacks or just run another blame the other side campaign? If Bayh, Kerry, Warner, Vilsack can not answer the question I don’t think any of them are worth the time of day.

You may notice I left Edwards’ name off the list. His mission to end poverty is noble and by far completely radical of what others are doing. But can he present it to a nation that for the last eight years has been feed nothing but tax cuts and sacrifice for the war being limited to the men and women fighting and their families?

As for Clinton, her big question is will she get enough of the country to trust her and override the anybody but Hillary sentiment that runs like artery of hate across the red states?


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