Friday, February 09, 2007

Doubt in Your Hometown...

Personally, I like Bill Richardson. I like him because he appears to be a competent Governor, was Ambassador to the UN who actually cared about the institution and can be linked to the success of Clinton’s Presidency without having the same last name.

Though he may not win the nomination, he appears to be stuck in the 2nd tier with even Chris Dodd gaining more ground then he. I believe he would make a great Vice-President. A person who ever wins the nomination should have on their short-list from the start.

Bill Richardson is also an excellent example of how hard the 2nd tier candidates will have it this time around. Dean could be against the war. Clinton sounded like someone who understood our concerns. But this year, the media has already staked its reputation on the nomination being between Clinton, Edwards and Obama. Nor is Richardson getting any hometown help.

Granted, the article has not been printed yet. But the fact that the Albuquerque Journal will run a story titled, Despite his resume, Richardson still has to prove he is a viable candidate, shows just how little love his run is getting from even his hometown media.


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