Thursday, March 29, 2007

A Thriving Success…

I’m in South Chicago spending the night in a growing community. Farm and woodland is being converted into homes and Targets as quickly as the builders can erect the structures. It is a growing middle class African-American community. The media angers me when they make it appear all African-American either by gang bangers or locked into the cycle of poverty with means out. Conservatives have fault in believing that we all start out with the equal opportunities and if not simple hard work will even the scale. Liberals assume that minorities are in constant need of parenting and that without aid they cannot do anything on their own. Both are dead wrong. While it is sadly true, that not all Americans are given the same opportunities or advantages in life, it is wrong to say that one’s life is out of their control. Middle class communities, such as these, do not come from purely hard work or an assisting hand. It is a combination of both. We can only hope for this type of success for others is if our leaders move from the polar extremes and into the middle.


Blogger Daniel said...

How stupid some medias are ! We never said some rubbish like that. I met many black friends on
and we all think we should pay no attention to these medias.

Daniel Pennant

11:15 PM


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