Thursday, April 26, 2007

Working in Boise…

Drove through a desert thunderstorm yesterday, huge raindrops crashed into my windshield leaving small puddles to be swept away.

The storm lasted only a few minutes, heading at top speed in the opposite direction of my car. Dust from the previous days ran down the sides of the car and left streaks of brown down the car.

It is another day, another dollar in Boise. Making visits and pondering tonight’s debate between Democratic Presidential hopefuls in South Carolina, I keep trucking. Praise the good Lord, L’s test came back that the tumor in her neck is benign.

It is sunny, now. L is in good health. No thunderstorms on the horizon in Boise, it is time to get back to work. Truth be told, I would rather spend the rest of the day in this coffee shop reading and writing. It is just that mood.


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