Friday, June 15, 2007

Make It Stop…

Both President Bush and the Democratic Congress poll numbers are in the garbage. Those who proclaim the fact that there is no difference between the two parties gain more ammunition.

The good news today: inflation ain’t so bad. Unless of course you count gas, then well it is fucking insane. And the price keeps rising and rising

Seriously, can somebody do something about this? How much money does corporations need? How much money do lobbyist give to make congress ignore America?

Seriously wake the fuck up and do something about this. I am really pissed because I support the Democrats almost blindly, work to get them elected and then they piss and moan more about an Iraq war they can do little about (sorry those on the left; the troops will not come home until Bush leaves) instead of trying to stop the price gauging.

Help us now. Gas can not continue to rise at the current rate before food and other necessities rise as well as the cost to transport them to markets skyrockets.

Idiotic greed may be what does America in.


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