Saturday, May 06, 2006

The New American Hunger…

"But I am absolutely certain there's a hunger in this country. A hunger to be inspired again."-John Edwards, April 2006.

In the months following the attacks of 9/11, the American people came together as one. Races forgot the differences. Economic classes were gone. Citizens no longer saw what divided one another, but our shared struggle. America was place that showed its strength and unity when others thought that was impossible.

With this unity, we became the great nation that is our reputation and history. As our forefathers had done, we fought for what was right and defeated the wrongs. We fulfilled the prophesies of our greatness.

Yet, four years later, America is divided once again. We struggle and fight with one another about: race, immigration, economics and benefits for the wealthy. The war that brought us together, now tears us apart. The rich and powerful make money on oil stocks, no-bid contracts, while the poor fight, die and loose jobs to outsourcing. This situation has not come about because we wished it. Instead it came about because of sub-par leadership and the blind faith of citizens in elected officials.

While leaders enacted legislation that gave the rich tax breaks, oil companies a freer hand in polluting the planet and took an aggressive nature not on those who caused 9/11 but on nations who had no hand in the attacks, the American populace yawned and tuned into American Idol.

Yet, not one of us would turn down the opportunity to be inspired again. Not one American would settle for being divided over unity. We are starving to be inspired.

Inspiration can come from another devastating attack. Yet, it can also come from within. The right person can inspire a nation. Washington, Lincoln, MLK, and Rosa Parks inspired a nation, but did it not only in their own actions, but by turning the limelight back onto the population. The success of inspiration does not come from the greatness of one but from the actions of many. Those who make us great strive not attract attention to their own accomplishments, but to the ability of everyone else.

Should a leader come along who does that and inspires the nation, he or she can not fight every battle alone. Yet, it is the responsibility of Americans to put behind them their differences and the nay sayers who profit of division, and follow the better angels of their nature.

Keep your heads up…


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