Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I Used To Have Dreams, Used To….

I believe every boy in his childhood imagined: hitting a home run in the World Series, throwing a Super Bowl touchdown, or making the last second shot in the NBA finals. I was just like them. Whole days could be spent counting down from ten to zero as I tossed a basketball toward the rim. Of course, if I missed, I was fouled and got to do it all over again.

By fifth grade, I knew I sucked at all competitive sports, and my dreams changed to bass fishing championships or owning a baseball card shop.

My dreams matured with me. By twenty-seven, I had given up most of my truly outlandish dreams but still held a few close like closing a million dollar gift, writing one publishable book, or being a State Representative.

I think dreams are good. They help take us away from the routine of life, and if they are achievable, a goal line.

I don’t have dreams anymore. I have fears. Fears are what keep running in my head.

I fear my left ventricle is failing.

I fear I will pass out every time I drive.

I fear being alone and an “episode” happening.

I fear walking down the hall.

I fear the doctors are missing whatever is wrong with me.

I fear slow, painful death.

I used to dream. I used to dream about success at work. I used to dream about being normal. Now, the only time I don’t fear is when I am in dreamland.


Blogger SL said...

luka, where are your old posts? I miss them.

1:06 AM

Blogger Luka said...

Glad, you enjoy the blog. Sorry the posts have been on the depressing side. I've been undergoing some heart issues and I have been using the blog as a way to work out my thoughts. Two of the last three posts are about Taiwan. As I get better, the post will come back to normal.

What part of Taiwan do you live in? I lived in Chia-yi for a year.

God's Blessings,


12:07 PM

Blogger SL said...

My home town is in Taichung but working in tp at the moment. Did you really leave tw because of SARS? (I wasn't in tw at that time .)

7:42 PM

Blogger SL said...

oh, by the way, changing nickname is a disgusting habit of mine, so... I am that 1.06AM.

7:43 PM


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