Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Best Health Care Money Can Afford…

Two weeks ago, I took a little vacation to get my pacemaker fixed and wired up with the newest gadgets. Three scars later, I am slowly getting back to 100%. Small baby steps each day: eating out becomes driving becomes my parents going back to their house becomes going to work for a few hours becomes a full day and tomorrow, exactly fourteen days from when the doc started cutting, being on plane to Chicago for work.

Through this exhausting and tedious recovery time, there was one worry that never crossed my mind. Who is going to pay for this?

Am I going to have in to my retirement assets? Will I need a second job? Will this put off my plan to by a home in the next year? None of this bothered me. Instead, I am highly blessed with some wonderful health insurance paid for by my employer. So, while I will have a small out of pocket cost, it is nothing compared to the tens of thousands that would be required if I didn’t have medical coverage.

Simply put, I cannot fathom what it would be like to try and recover from surgery while at the same time keep a job that does not give sick time and insurance. The stress of employment is enough without the pain associated with the operating table.

I believe this makes me a more efficient employee. Instead, of forcing myself to work when I am not ready. I took my time and was able to come back and immediately start my schedule again. It paid for the organization to have me home watching Jerry Springer with a short recovery time than to have me at work being miserable with a longer time.

And yet, some companies do not see it this way. They would rather punish, employees for being sick or having ill family members. But that is not what angers, yes angers, me the most. It is the fact that citizens of this country still believe that health care is not a right but a privilege granted to those who just happen to luck into it. The argue that medicine paid for by the government would be of either a) poor quality that it drags down the whole medical system or b) be something that people take advantage of and become less productive citizens when jobs and insurance are no longer tied together.

Both I believe are wrong and worse case scenarios of those who would rather reward the rich for being rich rather than raise taxes to help a man whose down. And that is what gets me the most what is more immoral paying taxes or refusing to help one another. Which is worse having people die because of the lack of health care or becoming destitute because of its cost or sacrificing for the good of everyone?

Something I have learned through my life. As soon as you say you will never need someone to help with health care you will.


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